Simple master tips for creative writing

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Simple master tips for creative writing

  •  Prep well

The first and foremost thing about writing is to chill. Just keep one thing at the back of your mind — research your facts well beforehand. Take a deep breath, smile, relax your thoughts. Think you can do it, smile a bit, feel good and then begin writing. Take no stress at all. Because if something goes wrong in your copy, you can always correct or rewrite it.

  • Keep no hard-and-fast rules

No rules. Length, spin, words… everything’s your choice. And you can always reflect upon all that later. Do not let the technicalities come in the way of your creative thoughts before you begin.

  •  Let it flow

When you write, just write… let the words flow. Don’t think whether they will fit, whether they are good or bad. Just write them. At the cost of repetition, let me say, remember to just go with the flow. You can put it all in order later when you revise.

There is this interesting dialogue from this Sean Connery movie Finding Forrester (2000) which corroborates this… It goes: 

Jamal Wallace: “What are you doing?”

William Forrester: “I’m writing. Like you’ll be, when you start punching those keys. Is there a problem?”

Wallace: “No. I’m just thinking.”

Forrester: “No. No thinking. That comes later. You write your first draft with your heart. And you rewrite with your head. The first key to writing is… to write. Not to think.”

  • Thorough revision

Once you are done with your first draft — revise, revise, revise, revise… and when you have revised extremely well enough… then revise once more. And viola, you should have a good piece of writing with you.

Last but not the least, don’t be scared to be creative in your writing style. Don’t be afraid to break norms. After all, writing is all about being ‘creative’. You know what! Thoughts are things. They materialise. Manifest. Just like your thoughts create you, your thoughts create your writings. Rock on.